Passionate companies often begin their journey in a garage. This is also where Peter Orinsky developed and built the very first children’s loft bed for his son Felix 34 years ago. It was very important for him to only use natural materials, provide strong safety features, clean workmanship as well as a high degree of flexibility to ensure long-term use. The sophisticated modular system has been so well received over the years that the successful family business Billi-Bolli emerged – complete with master craftsmen working in our very own Workshop in the east of Munich. By communicating closely with customers Billi-Bolli keeps refining and enhancing their children’s furniture range constantly. After all, satisfied parents and happy children are our greatest motivation. More about us…
Listen to Lilli, Olli, Max and Mia’s fun adventures in their Billi-Bolli bed (in German). Enjoy!
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Max findt’s cool, auf jeden FallMia liebt es echt totalUnd Lilli und OlliDie singen im Duett:Wir lieben unser Billi-, unser Bolli-Unser Billi-Bolli-AbenteuerbettWir lieben unser Billi-, unser Bolli-Unser Billi-Bolli-Abenteuerbett
Zum Klettern und Rutschen, Springen und KuschelnZum Turnen und Toben, Träumen und TuschelnKönigin-Sein, oder – was mir gefälltAls Lokführer fahren, rund um die WeltIm Himmelbett fliegen mit WolkenschafenOder ab und zu auch: einfach mal schlafen …
Max findt’s cool, …
Geringelte Hemden über SchlafanzughosenLilli und Olli sind wilde MatrosenLilli setzt Segel beim BullaugenbrettOlli am Steuerrad vom Hochseebett
Da, fremde Piraten wollen am Kletterseil enternGut, dass Billi-Bolli-Betten nie kenternDa tobt eine heftige KissenschlachtBis Kapitän Papa dem ein Ende macht – gut Nacht!
Ja, da staunt der neue BabysitterDenn er hütet echte RitterRitter Max auf seinem RitterburgenbettThront hinter seinem Ritterburgenbrett
Burgfräulein Mia sagt sie wär DornröschenNur halt mit Schnuller und WindelhöschenAlso gibt’s ein Babysitter-Ritter-MärchenUnd schon schläft das stolze Ritterpärchen
Und was sagt Elisabeth?Ach wenn ich’s doch schon hätt’, mein Billi-Bolli-Bett!
Our friends Margit Sarholz and Werner Meier did something special and composed this great song for us.
They have been making music for children under their own label Sternschnuppe (in German) for as long as we have been manufacturing kids’ beds. The artist duo has already released more than 25 CDs filled with crazy rhymes and funny songs.
Come on, dive in and get to know their world of children’s songs on
This Spotify playlist by Sternschnuppe will let your children’s imagination run wild! The children’s room turns into a knight’s paradise, the bed transforms into a pirate ship, the children become inventors, … Great catchy tunes for the whole family! Click now and listen for free.